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Bais Chana Academy High School for Girls

261 Derby Avenue
Orange , CT 06477

P: (203) 795-5261
F: (203) 306-3076

Our Mission

Bais Chana Academy High School for Girls is committed to excellence in education and the development of self-assured young women who exemplify middos tovos and strength of character. BCA instills yiras shamayim, a love of Torah and Mitzvos and a practical understanding and appreciation for what limudhachassidus and darceihachassidus add to everyday life.

Through a rigorous academic program of both Limudei Kodesh and Limudei Chol, as well as goal-oriented extra-curricular programs, BCA inspires within its students the confidence to discover and cultivate their own unique talents and to note their accomplishments with pride. The school’s focus is to foster dignified young women who will be able to assess their actions, and who will develop the sensitivity to make decisions which positively impact their growth and development in school and beyond.