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RESTORING HISTORY: The Forgotten Jewish Cemetery

Sol Rosenkranz was committed to preserving the heritage of an abandoned Jewish cemetery nestled in central Poland, in the small town of Krośniewice. From the moment this sacred ground was revitalized in 2014 until Sol’s passing in 2019, he dedicated himself to preserving the memories it held. 

The cemetery has endured a tumultuous history, with the Nazis stripping away its headstones in 1939. Neglect during the post-war and Communist eras allowed the site to transform into an overgrown thicket, concealing countless Jewish graves beneath.

In a heartfelt tribute to their beloved father, Rita and Joel Rosenkranz have worked with the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven to establish the Krośniewice Jewish Cemetery Fund In Memory of Sol Rosenkranz, designed to ensure the perpetual care of this significant and sacred site.

“Sol’s inaugural visit to the site was in 2013 with Rabbi Schudrich,” Joel said. “The dedication ceremony took place in 2014, and more recent images highlight the grand entry gates and a memorial plaque, recounting the town’s rich Jewish history. The photos vividly illustrate the pride and dedication Sol poured into the restoration of this cemetery.”

"We are committed to preserving Sol’s dream of creating a dignified final resting place, an enduring tribute to his remarkable legacy,” said Rita. “Our hope is that the sacred ground will remain a testament to Sol’s enduring spirit and a symbol of remembrance for years to come." 

To view all the photos, and to donate to the Sol Rosenkranz Memorial Matching Fund, visit:



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